Sage Stones FAQ

Q: What’s the best way to play with only 2 players?

A: We like to play with two colors per player. If you only use one, then both colors can end up on the ends of the board and the first person to play is the one to win. With two colors, you can use one to win and one to attack. Treat the colors separately, the same way you would if you had 4 players. You can remove your own pieces!

Q: When a column is full of stones and I roll that number on my turn, what happens?

A: Your roll counts as a roll of 6. You can place your piece in column 6 but you don’t get the extra turn like you would if you rolled a real 6 (2,2,2). If 6 is full, your playing the game wrong!

Q: When does the game end?

A: The moment any player places their last piece, the game is over. The results of that final piece placement don’t change the win. However, my family sometimes continues the game to see who is second winner or third and so on. In this case, if you win, and your pieces are later removed by continued play, just ignore them and skip your turn. You won, no need to keep beating up the opponents!

Ted WysockiSage Stones